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frequently asked questions


Q:  Can we set up our checking account in the name of Florida Federation of Garden Clubs?

A:   No. Clubs are not allowed to open any accounts under the name of the state federation. Clubs are their own entities and bank accounts should be opened in the club name NOT the name of the Federation.

Q: How does my club become an IRS 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization in Florida?

A: Please click here for information 

Q: If our club needs to purchase supplies, can we use the FFGC tax exempt number?

A: No. Only those who are involved in a Fundraising effort/event in which FFGC will share in the profit, or who are raising funds solely for FFGC, are entitled to use the FFGC Tax Exemption Please see complete information regarding tax exemption here.

Q: Yearbook Information?

A:  2023-2025 Yearbook Information


Q:   How do I get a club Roster? 

A:    To view or print your club membership as it is reflected in the FFGC database, use the Advanced Search feature in the Directory. Search for your club and view the resulting list of all your active members. You can print this list. The roster reflects active members, that is members for whom dues payments have been received and active, participating Life Members. If you see Life Members listed on your directory roster who are no longer active, please notify Headquarters. Life Members will continue to receive their magazine from FFGC, but will be removed from the active membership associated with your club.

Q:   How does a club submit a new member?

A:     Clubs should submit new membership forms at the time the member joins. Send the new member/change member form to FFGC headquarters completely filled out for each new member.  Please include a check for the appropriate dues. 

New Membership/Change Membership Form

Q:   How do I report my Life Members?

A:    The Life Membership Chairman reports newly awarded Life Memberships as they occur, therefore the club doesn't need to take any action regarding new Life Members. No payment or annual renewal is required for a Life Member.  Throughout the year, clubs should report any change in participation of a Life Member as it occurs (e.g., if the member no longer participates in club activities/becomes inactive, moves out of state, or is deceased). To report a status change, simply email Life Membership Chairman, Skip Lamoureux, with the LM name, identify the club and the change in status. You can also submit a New Membership/Change Membership Form to FFGC headquarters. Life Members will receive The Florida Gardener magazine even if not active in a club. Diligence in this reporting insures that your club roster remains current and that the active headcount at the state level is accurate.

Q:   Do members pay dues for each club or circle they belong to? 

A:     Every club has a different process and policy regarding circle management and FFGC does not dictate policy to the club. FFGC collects dues one time for every member according to her/his membership level and regardless of the number of clubs she/he belongs to. The dues are $12 for individual membership to a club and $2 for the spouse of an existing active member. One person, one FFGC dues payment collected. The member must notify the clubs and FFGC headquarters which club is primary and which is secondary. The primary club is responsible for collecting and paying that member's FFGC dues.

Q:   How do I renew my membership? 

A:  Individuals do not have do anything to renew their FFGC membership. Their clubs will collect the dues and will submit a list of renewing members  with appropriate payments due June 1 every year. If a member renews after May 1 please submit a New Membership/Change Membership Form indicating a reinstatement.

Q:   When are renewal dues payments due?

A:     Renewal payments are due no later than May 1 of each year. Clubs should submit a Membership Renewal Form accompanied by a list of renewing member names by May 1. The renewal period begins March 1. 

On May 1, any member that is not renewed will automatically change to a lapsed status. (They’re not delinquent, but are lapsed if not renewed by the June 1 date according to the By-Laws; the process and technology is configured to support this. (the software terminology is Renewal Overdue). To insure access to the website and receipt of the magazine continues without interruption, Clubs should renew their members by June 1.

On August 1, any member that has not been renewed will automatically change to a Suspended/Archived status. This is also in accordance with the By-Laws: the delinquent date is August 1.

August 1 closes the renewal period and any members not renewed by August 1st will be treated as new members. They will  require a New Membership/Change Membership form be completed and submitted to FFGC headquarters. The definite (and appropriate) adherence to the By-Laws of a specific renewal period serves to (1) remain in compliance with the By-Laws, (2) bring renewal bookkeeping to a close, enabling the treasurer to submit an accurate count to National in a timely manner (3) encourage club/member reporting in a timely manner (4) provide accurate accounting for yearbook completion and (5) provide an accurate distribution list for FFGC publications.

Q:   How do I pay my dues?

A:    Members pay dues to their club. Clubs pay to FFGC the amount represented for New or Renewing Members. This payment occurs at club yearly renewal time or during the year for new members with the submission of a New Membership-Change Membership Form

Q:   Our club has already begun summer break and the FFGC renewal period has ended (Aug1). What is the most convenient way for our club to report a late renewal?

A:    If a member has not renewed within the 6 month renewal period provided, the member is delinquent. The club will have to submit the individual as a new member.  If the entire club has not reported/renewed, contact headquarters.

Profile Management

Q:   I'm a snowbird. How do I manage my addresses?

A:   Follow the instructions for Updating your Profile any time you need to change your information.


VENUE AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL EVENT RENTAL | Cocktails Catering at 407-446-2878 | www.CocktailsCatering.com


Office:  (407) 647-7016
Email:    ffgc@ffgcmail.com

1400 S. Denning Drive
Winter Park, FL 32789
HOURS: Mon-Thur 9am-2pm Closed Fri-Sun

The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in the state of Florida. 

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